Hong Kong's FinTech Growth Index for 2019-20 grew by 52.9% compared with its base period from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019, which represents an optimistic outlook by partnered companies. It can be attributed to policies and measures which act as accelerators to foster a positive impact on the industry's development.
The anticipated growth of business performance, indicated by FinTech customer adoption rate grew by 113% as compared with the 2018-19 financial year, representing an optimistic outlook of the business development by the companies.
The business environment, measured by both internal and external factors on FinTech business operations and development, grew by a modest 5% in the same period. Although there is a positive effect of the internal factors by the companies in terms of funding and other capital allocations, it has been cancelled off by the relatively lower average rating on external factors such as investment environment, government policy and regulations.
Investment on R&D or product development, measured by the anticipated percentage change between 2019-20 financial year and the base period, grew moderately by 48.4%, mainly on areas including AI, big data and machines/deep learning (55.3%), followed by Blockchain (42.3%) and Customer experience (39.5%).
Demand on Talents, measured by the anticipated percentage change between 2019-20 financial year and the base period, grew moderately by 45.3%. On the required skills for new employees, Programming skills (68.4%) are the most preferable skills for new hires, followed by Marketing expertise (47.4%) and Knowledge of machine/deep learning and AI (42.1%)

Advisory Board Members

Prof. Philip Yu
Chairman of HKU FinTech Index Series Advisory Board
Head and Professor, Department of Mathematics and Information Technology, EdUHK
Honorary Professor, Department of Computer Science, HKU

Prof. S.M. Yiu
Associate Head (Teaching & Learning), Department of Computer Science, HKU Associate Director, HKU-SCF FinTech Academy

Ms. Alice So
Head of Entrepreneurship,
Cyberport Hong Kong

Mr. Bernard Ng
Senior Manager, Corporate Development (FinTech),
Hong Kong Science and Technology Corporation

Mr. Brian Tang
Co-chair of RegTech Committee, FinTech Association of Hong Kong

Ms. Jessica Yeung
Senior Manager, Policy and Development Division,
The Insurance Authority

Mr. King Leung
Head of FinTech,
Mr. Stephen Leung
Head of IT & Head of FinTech Development,
The Bank of East Asia, Limited

Mr. Victor Yim
Head of FinTech,
Cyberport Hong Kong